


Major Works of Education Sector under District Capex
                                                                                                                                                (Rs in lakhs)  
S. No Name of Project/work Agency Project Initiation Year Project Cost  Exp. ending 03/2020 Balance cost Outlay     2020-21 Availability 2020-21 Expdt. During 20-21 Cummu. Expdtt ending 02/2021 Present Physical Status (%age)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Construction of building HS Hablish R&B 2008-09 97.29 61.67 35.62 8.00 8.00 0.00 61.67 1st Floor at lintil level 
2 Construcrtion of building for Girls HS  Qaimoh  R&B 2009-10 158.62 43.5 115.12 10.00 10.00 2.66 46.16 1st floor slab level
3 Construction of laboratory block at HSS Katrasoo R&B 2016-17 107.95 26.870 81.080 50.000 25.000 0.000 26.870 1st floor slab level 
4 Completion of double storey High School Building at Waltengoo Kund  R&B 2017-18 98.77 27.780 70.990 40.000 20.000 0.000 27.780 1st floor slab level 
5 Const. of double storied (six roomed building) at Higher Secondary School Qaimoh Div-II 2018-19 91.22 52.580 38.640 38.640 19.320 10.485 63.065 Finish items in progress
6 Const. of double Storied 06 roomed school building at HSS D.K. Marg Div-II 2018-19 97.53 36.608 60.922 40.000 20.000 18.424 55.032 Finish items in progress
7 Construction of 10 roomed doubled storey building at Govt. Higher Secondary School Danow Bogund  Div-II 2018-19 170.89 24.920 145.970 40.000 20.000 15.147 40.067 Truss work in progress
8 Construction of 6 roomed double storey building at Govt. High School Checkpora  Div-II 2018-19 133.64 34.500 99.140 50.530 25.265 24.210 58.710 Finshing Work  in Progress
9 Constructipon of double storied 10 roomed building at HS Khrewan Div-II 2020-21 150.00 0.000 150.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 New Work
10 Constructipon of double storied 10 roomed building at HSS Hangar Div-II 2020-21 150.00 0.000 150.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 New Work
11 Constructipon of additional Accommodation of 08 roomed building at HSS Nihama Div-II 2020-21 150.00 0.000 150.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 New Work
12 Construction of Model School Building (Lecture Hall Block, Lab Block, Smart class Room & Auditorium) at BHSS Kulgam (03 storey RCC Framed Structure) PHASE I Div-II 2018-19 199.94 62.410 137.530 50.000 32.500 10.650 73.060 2nd floor lintel level
  Total     1605.85 370.84 1235.01 387.17 180.09 81.58 452.41  


Major Works of Education Sector under State Capex         (Rs in lakhs)  
S. No Name of Scheme/ Work Executive Agency Project Initiation Year AA  Cost Comulative Exp 03.2020 balance cost Outlay  2020-21 Availablity  2020-21 Expdt. During 20-21 Cummu. Expdtt ending 12/2020 Physical Status
1 Construction of laboratory block at HSS Katrasoo R&B 2016-17 107.95 26.870 81.080 50.000 25.000 0.000 26.870 1st floor slab level 
2 Completion of double storey High School Building at Waltengoo Kund  R&B 2017-18 98.77 27.780 70.990 40.000 20.000 0.000 27.780 1st floor slab level 
3 Const. of double storied (six roomed building) at Higher Secondary School Qaimoh Div-II 2018-19 91.22 52.580 38.640 38.640 19.320 10.485 63.065 Finish items in progress
4 Const. of double Storied 06 roomed school building at HSS D.K. Marg Div-II 2018-19 97.53 36.608 60.922 40.000 20.000 18.424 55.032 Finish items in progress
5 Construction of 10 roomed doubled storey building at Govt. Higher Secondary School Danow Bogund  Div-II 2018-19 170.89 24.920 145.970 40.000 20.000 15.147 40.067 Truss work in progress
6 Construction of 6 roomed double storey building at Govt. High School Checkpora  Div-II 2018-19 133.64 34.500 99.140 50.530 25.265 24.210 58.710 Finshing Work  in Progress
7 Constructipon of double storied 10 roomed building at HS Khrewan Div-II 2020-21 150.00 0.000 150.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 New Work
8 Constructipon of double storied 10 roomed building at HSS Hangar Div-II 2020-21 150.00 0.000 150.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 New Work
9 Constructipon of additional Accommodation of 08 roomed building at HSS Nihama Div-II 2020-21 150.00 0.000 150.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 New Work
10 Construction of Model School Building (Lecture Hall Block, Lab Block, Smart class Room & Auditorium) at BHSS Kulgam (03 storey RCC Framed Structure) PHASE I Div-II 2018-19 199.94 62.410 137.530 50.000 32.500 10.650 73.060 2nd floor lintel level
  Total     1349.94 265.67 1084.27 369.17 162.09 78.92 344.58  



Major Works of Education Sector under RMSA                       (Rs in lakhs)  
Name of the work Executing Agency  Project cost Cum exp 03.2020 Balance Cost  Avalability 2020-21 Expdtt. 2020-21 Cummu. Expdtt ending 12/2020 Status Remarks
Construction of Girls Hostels at:                
1 Chawalgam Kulgam R&B Div.  Kulgam 306.34 195.87 110.47 29.19 0.00 195.87 Building Comp. Finishing items under Progress   
2 D H Pora.  306.34 207.34 99.00 0.66 0.00 207.34 Building Comp. Finishing items under Progress   
3 Qaimoh. 306.34 44.31 262.03 81.74 0.00 44.31 Plinth Comp.
Work stoped 
Land issue 
4 Kilam Devsar. R&B Div.  Qazigund  306.34 139.13 167.21 45.87 45.87 185.00 Building Comp. Finishing items under Progress   
Total   1225.36 586.65 638.71 157.46 45.87 632.52    
Construction of buildings under up-gradation:  
1 HS Sonigam  Division-II 102.77 36.00 66.77 66.77 0.00 36.00 1st floor  slabed 
2 MS Bhan  Division-II 102.77 1.14 101.63 0.00 0.00 1.14 land issue Land issue 
5 MS Gudder    Division-II 102.77 4.33 98.44 0.00 0.00 4.33 Land not available Land issue 
Total Upgradation 308.31 41.47 266.84 66.77 0.00 41.47    
Reconstruction of Gutted schools:  
1 HS KanjiKullah  Division-II 93.98 28.00 65.98 14.00 10.00 38.00 G F . Slabed   
2 HSS Bogam  Division-II 272.88 0.00 272.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 Under Tendering process from last one year   
Total of Gutted Schools 366.86 28.00 338.86 14.00 10.00 38.00    
Total RMSA 1900.53 656.12 1244.4 238.23 55.87 711.99