


Short Documentary on Saviors of Green Gold
Let’s walk with Nature!


Special Forest division kulgam was created in the year 2010 and covers an area of 440.78 km2, thereby constituting 41.31% of the geographical area of District Kulgam.  The forest division comprises of three territorial forest Ranges viz., Veshew, DH Pora and Kulgam with an area of 289.6 km2, 116.01 km2 and 35.17 km2 respectively. The entire area of the Division falls under the Jurisdiction of the Kulgam District. The forests of Kulgam Forest Division are spread over a vast tract in between 330 28′ 0” and 330 49′ 15” North Latitude and 740 39′ 30” and 750 07’45” East Longitude.

The Division comprises of three Territorial Forest Ranges and two non-territorial ranges (Soil Conservation Range and Forest Control Room range).

Veshew Forest Range:

It is the biggest in area (289.6km2) and the most productive Range of the Division with regards to timber extraction. The jurisdiction of the forests of the Range extends from Tathjan–Narilwoin catchment upto Hallan-Manzgam traversing the vast area of Chiranbal and Zajimarg. The major crop in the compartments of the Range is Fir in pure form.

Damhal Hanjipora Forest Range:

This Range is the second biggest Range in area (116.01km2) in the Division. It extends from Yarikah – Dobdaban upto Khull Ahmadabad traversing the vast tract between Kutmarg, Yaripathri and Chimmer. The major crop of the Range is Kail as well as Fir.

Kulgam Forest Range:

It is small in area (35.17km2) as compared to other Ranges of the Division and is situated at a relatively low altitude. It extends from Kutbal Arrigatnoo forest upto Brinal Lammer. The major crop in the compartments of this Range is Kail in a pure form. Deodar is found in a few compartments like Comptt. N-27b, N-32 and N-35.

“Fact: Kulgam recorded an increase of 32.24km2 of Forest Cover as per ISFR 2019 in comparison to ISFR 2017″


The division has diverse forest types ranging from Temperate Coniferous Forests to Alpine Forests which support myriad diversity of both flora and fauna apart from other life forms.


The Forests of the Division are predominantly coniferous with some associated broad leaved species. The dominant coniferous species are Deodar (Cedrus deodara), Kail (Pinus wallichiana), Fir (Abies pindrow) and Spruce (Picea smithiana). Associations of Yew (Taxus wallichiana) and traces of Junipers (Juniperus recurva) are met with locally. The broad leaved trees, in more or less pure patches, are found along Nallas, cooler aspects and shady ravines. The forests are bestowed with rich flower diversity coupled with wild medicinal plants.


Kulgam Division is bestowed with a diversity of wildlife which include mammals , avi-fauna, reptiles and other taxonomic groups. Some of the prominent wildlife species present in the division are Black Bear, Common Leopard, Rhesus Macaque, Red Fox, Yellow– Throated Marten, Long-Tailed Marmot, Black eared kite, Himalayan Griffon Vulture, Monal,  Blue Rock pigeon, etc.


The main focus of the activities of the division is forest protection & management. Which involves the following activities:

Plantations for Green cover enhancement:

The division carries plantation activity every year aiming at rehabilitating the degraded forests and thereby enhancing the green cover. Plantation of conifers and other broad-leaved species is undertaken depending on the site conditions. The enhanced green cover is good for mitigating climate change, enhancing water recharge capacity of forests and reducing soil erosion.

Nursery Development:

Forest Division Kulgam does have four plant nurseries for raising saplings to fulfill the requirement of planting material for restocking of forests. The seedlings of Cedrus deodara (Deodar), Pinus wallichiana (Kayur), Cupressus spp. are raised in polybags with intensive care to produce quality seedlings. Moreover from these nurseries we supply the saplings for plantation programmes by Government /Private Institutions, NGO, etc to create green spaces.

Forest protection:

The division takes various forest protection activities on regular basis which include forest patrolling, nakas etc for preventing illegal damages. Also during fire season forest field staff carry fire prevention and control measures. The division has fully functional control rooms which are active round the clock for quick response to forest protection functions,

Infrastructure Development:

The infrastructure development for forest management which includes Control Rooms, Check Posts, Accommodations for field staff etc are also undertaken. Uniforms and other field gear is provided to field staff to ensure enabling work environment.


The division carries various outreach activities to reach out to people and other stake holders. Various activities carried by the division include:

JK Green Drive:

Under Jk Green Drive Initiative of JK Forest Department the division carries plantation cum awareness programmes with various stakeholders which include Schools, Public institutions, Administration. Panchayati Raj institutions. Security forces etc aiming at enhancing green cover of Jammu & Kashmir.

Green Knock Initiative:

Under this initiative the division is aiming at make people aware of alternative energy sources which will reduce pressure on forests. The initiative involves distribution of solar lanterns & other solar based gadgets to people living in fringe villages of forests.

Sale and Distribution of Plants:

Under this activity plants are distributed free of cost to schools and armed forces. Also plants are sold to general masses on nominal rates.

Awareness programmes:

Regular awareness programmes are held with various schools aiming at bringing grass roots changes by in calculating environmental awareness to school students.



Special Forest Division Kulgam has been bestowed with some most beautiful destinations the trails of which are donned by magnamious conifer forests, meadows, waterfalls and pristine alpine lakes and meadows like Kounsarnag, Kongwattan, Aharbal, Chiranbal, Trajen, Panchanpathri, Yaripathri – Bedibehk etc.

How to reach:



Distance by Road (km)




Nearest Airport


Nearest Railway Station


Public Transport is available from Srinagar, Anantnag, Shopian




Office Address: Forest Complex Kulgam

Near GHSS Kulgam – 192231

Tele/Fax:  +91-1931-260246.

Email :