


S. No. Districts SECC Beneficiaries Beneficiaries as per Letter Beneficiaries Registered % achieved  Balance Beneficiaries registered Last Month Total Families Families who got Registered % age of families    
(a) (b)  (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
(=d/b) (=i/h)
1 Kulgam 474772 76562 237692 50.06 237080 15548 94955 47539 50.06
TOTAL 474772 76562 237692 50.06 237080 15548 94955 47539 50.06


Aadhaar Seeding of All Schemes
S. No. Scheme Beneficiaries Seeded Seeded % Pendency %
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
1 MGNREGA 130267 120684 92.64 7.36
2 NSAP 5236 5213 99.56 0.44
3 ISSS 29963 29902 99.80 0.20
4 Scholarships:-        
5 Pre-Matric Minority 47462 47462 100.00 0.00
6 Post-Matric Minority 10671 10671 100.00 0.00
7 Pre-Matric OBC 2464 2464 100.00 0.00
8 Post-Matric OBC 342 342 100.00 0.00
9 Merit Cum Means 580 580 100.00 0.00
10 Pre- Matric (ST) 132 132 100.00 0.00
11 Post- Matric (ST) 31 31 100.00 0.00
TOTAL  227148 217481 95.74 4.26


Aadhaar Seeding of All Schemes
S. No.  Name of the Scheme Total Beneficiaries Registered (Nos.) Aadhaar Seeding till Last Month (Nos.) Seeding During the Month (Nos.) Total Aadhaar Seeding Completed (Nos.) % age Achievement Pendency (Nos.)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
1 MGNREGA 130267 120134 550 120684 92.64 9583
Sub Total 130267 120134 550 120684 92.64 9583
2 NSAP 5236 5213 0 5213 99.56 23
3 ISSS 29963 29902 0 29902 99.80 61
Sub Total 35199 35115 0 35115 99.76 84
4 Pre-Matric Minority 47462 47462 0 47462 100.00 0
5 Post-Matric Minority 10671 10671 0 10671 100.00 0
6 Pre-Matric OBC 2464 2464 0 2464 100.00 0
7 Post-Matric OBC 342 342 0 342 100.00 0
8 Merit Cum Means 580 580 0 580 100.00 0
9 Pre- Matric (ST) 132 132 0 132 100.00 0
10 Post- Matric (ST) 31 31 0 31 100.00 0
Sub Total 61682 61682 0 61682 100.00 0
TOTAL 227148 216931 550 217481 95.74 9667


S. No. Districts  Pensions Scholarships PM KISAN (**) MGNREGA
No. % Seeded % DBT Total % Seeded % DBT Total % Seeded % DBT Total % Seeded % DBT
(a)      (b)      (c)       (d)      (e)       (f)       (g)      (h)      (i)        (j)       (k)      (l)        (m)    
1 Kulgam 35199 99.76 100 61682 100.00 100 70535 94.28 100 130267 92.64 100
TOTAL 35199 99.76 100 61682 100.00 100 70535 94.28 100 130267 92.64 100

** PM- Kisan Scrutinized by a committee at District level.


S. No.  District Population 2011 Population Projected 2020 Population Eligible (5+) Aadhaar Enrolment Cumulative Enrolled Last Month Aadhaar Generated Cumulative % Aadhaar generated of eligible population Balance to enroll
(a)     (b)     (c)      (d)     (e)      (f)      (g)     (h) (i)
(=g/d*100) (=d-g)
1 Kulgam 424483 517879 448173 428947 561 428386 95.58 19787
TOTAL  424483 517879 448173 428947 561 428386 95.58 19787


S.  No. District Panchayats Demands for Works B2V1 + B2V2 Works Taken Up Is there a work in every Panchayat         
Average size of work in each Panchayat   
   (Rs. in Lakhs)
14th FC funds received            (Rs. in Cr) B2V funds received                   (Rs. in Cr)
No. Amount  (Rs. in Cr) No.  Amount (Rs. in Cr) B2V B2V2
(a) (b)  (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k)
1 Kulgam   2279 38.85 250 10.83 Y Y 6.09 1.97 5.76
TOTAL   2279 38.85 250 10.83 Y Y 6.09 1.97 5.76

         NOTE:   Expenditure under B2V:

                            1. B2v1= Rs.2.70 Cr.

                           2. B2V2= RS.2.26 Cr.

                          Physical Achievements under B2V:

                          works taken-up:

                         1.  B2V1= 175

                         2. B2V2= 64

                       Works Completed:

                        1. B2V1= 175

                        2. B2V2= 62


S. No. Block Milch Cattle Population Vaccination % AI Coverage % No. of Cattle added under IDDS this year No. of Dairy beneficiaries awaiting sanction Milk production per day (in Metric Tonnes) Poultry population   (in lakh) Egg Production per month (in lakh) Poultry production units per month (in lakh kgs.)
(a)     (b)     (c)      (d)     (e)      (f)      (g)     (h)     (i)       (j)     
1 Kulgam 39812 100 90 160 0 273 0.82 11.1 0.2
2 Qaimoh 13988 100 98 25 0 159 0.49 1.9 0.175
TOTAL 53800 100 94 185 0 432 1.31 13 0.375
Note :- Fresh phase of  Vaccination  under NADCP started from 22-Sept, 2020.


S. No. Name of District Type of Land Enroached Status (in Kanals and Marlas) Entries Expunged from Record during Month Physical Evictions during Month Cumulative Progress Progress in Percentage (%)
Expunged Entries Physical Eviction Expunged Entries Physical Evictions
Kanals  Marlas Kanals Marlas Kanals  Marlas Kanals Marlas Kanals Marlas % %
1 Kulgam State 16094 3 0 0 0 0 20864 10 5274 15 100 25.34
Common 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Kahcharai 22617 4 0 0 0 0 25811 1 12303 3 100 47.68
Total 38711 7 0 0 0 0 46675 11 17577 18 100 36.51


S. No.  Districts No. of PHHs No. of persons in PHH No. of PHHs who got Ration last month (Households) No. of Non-PHH No. of persons in Non-PHH No. of Non-PHHs who got ration last month (Households) Gaps, if any
(a)    (b)    (c)    (d)    (e)    (f)     (g)    (h)   
1 TSO PAHLOO 3283 14687 3283 2055 9029 2055 NIL
2 TSO NILLOW 5557 23891 5556 3123 13194 3123 NIL
3 TSO MIRHAMA 2817 11558 2817 1504 6749 1504 NIL
4 TSO D.H. PORA 4603 20997 4601 2758 11736 2758 NIL
5 TSO KEHMOO 5013 22104 5013 2401 12473 2401 NIL
6 TSO DEVSAR 5326 23345 5326 2854 13489 2852 NIL
7 TSO CHOWGAM 7013 30389 7013 3637 16895 3637 NIL
8 TSO D.K. MARG 4411 21574 4411 2305 10454 2305 NIL
9 TSO REDWANI 3514 15366 3514 1746 7825 1746 NIL
10 TSO YARIPORA 4591 19860 4591 2947 13647 2947 NIL
11 TSO KULGAM 7306 30414 7302 4470 20053 4470 NIL
12 TSO MANZGAM 4875 21670 4875 2973 11913 2972 NIL
TOTAL 58309 255855 58302 32773 147457 32770 NIL


S. No. Districts Janani Suraksha Yojana Immunisation
Beneficiaries Beneficiaries paid in 3 days Live Births Fully immunised children
(a) (b)  (c) (d) (e)
1 Kulgam 4425 0 7988 7868
TOTAL 4425 0 7988 7868


S.No. Projects District Departments Value
(Rs in Cr)
Start date Issues (Y/N) Likely completion Date
Land (Y/N) Forest   (Y/N) Power    (Y/N) Water (Y/N) Road (Y/N) Other 
(a) (b) (c)  (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (J)
1 Mod of Grimtoo Canal Kulgam Irrigation 24.99 2020-21 N N N N N N Mar-23
2 Qaimoh to Mohammadpora Road Kulgam PMGSY 8.02 Mar-17 N N N N N N completed 
3 Kounsarbal to Nandimarg  Road Kulgam PMGSY 7.95 Jul-17 N N N N N N Jun-21
4 Batpora to Tsimer  Road Kulgam PMGSY 14.83 Jul-17 N N N N N N May-21
5 Arwani Frisal to Yaripora  Road Kulgam PMGSY 9.39 Apr-18 N N N N N N completed 
6 Watihall Kurigam to Y.K.Pora Kund  Road Kulgam PMGSY 10.7 Apr-17 Y N N N N N May-21
7 Khudwani Rehpora to Sursuna  Road  Kulgam PMGSY 6.61 Nov-18 N N N N N N Jun-21
8 Kanjikulla to Yamruch Dessend c.hanjan  Road Kulgam PMGSY 7.57 Oct-18 N N N N N N Jun-21
9 Tsimer to Dandward  Road Kulgam PMGSY 5.75 May-19 N N N N N N Jul-21
10 Korel to Khodhanjipora  Road Kulgam PMGSY 3.87 Apr-19 N N N N N N Jun-21
11 Buchroo to Damidulla  Road Kulgam PMGSY 2.64 Oct-18 N N N N N N Completed 
12 Hablish to Devsar Via Agroo Cheyen Adijan  Road Kulgam PMGSY 3.53 Oct-18 N N N N N N Completed 
13 Bonigam to Breinel Lamad  Road Kulgam PMGSY 10.37 Nov-18 N N N N N N Jun-21
14 Matibug to Parigam  Road Kulgam PMGSY 2.58 Oct-18 Y N N N N N Jun-21
15 Kulgam to Katrasoo  Road Kulgam PMGSY 7.49 Oct-18 N N N N N N Jul-21
16 YK Pora to Kund ( Vasaqnag)  Road Kulgam PMGSY 9.79 Apr-19 N N N N N N Jun-21
17 Qaimoh to Amnoo  Road Kulgam PMGSY 8.22 Sep-18 N N N N N N Jun-21
18 2x30m span Bridge across Sunman Nallah on Buchroo Damdullah Road Kulgam PMGSY 2.98 Oct-18 N N N N N N May-21
19 2x30Mt span Bridge Across Sunmun Nallah on Matibugh Parigam Road Kulgam PMGSY 3.02 Nov-18 N N N N N N completed 
20 L031 Pahloo to Laisoo  Road Kulgam PMGSY 11.51 Apr-19 N N N N N N Jul-21
21 Devsar to Akhall (Kulshan)  Road Kulgam PMGSY 6.88 May-19 N N N N N N Aug-21
22 Divisional Workshop at kulgam Kulgam PDD 0.98 2017-18 N N N N N N Completed 
  Sub Division Qazigund                      
23  Construction of 1×30 mtr span Steel girder Bridge at Kilam gund Road on Nallah Veshow. Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  4.44 2018-2019 Y N N N Y N Jun-21
24 Construction / Up gradation of Road from Manigam Bridge to NH way at Vessu , Zangal pora Habibbatapora , Kilam to Tankipora and Agroo Gundpath Devsar Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  4.95 2015-2016 Y N N N Y N May-21
25 Widening / up gradation of road from NH way at Levdoora to YK Pora Nagress , Peertakia , Batengoo including Razloo Chitergam Kund road. Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  12.81 2018-2019 Y N N N N N Sep-21
  Sub Division Kulgam                      
26 Strengthening/ Upgradation of Bugam Nanibugh Srandoo Ashmuji, Bogund Supar and Kanipora road  Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  10.61 10-08-2017 Y N N N N N 08/2021
27 Construction of 3×40 Mtr girder bridge on Chelan Asthal raod at Village Asthal Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  9.55 23/08/2017 N N N N N N completed 
28 Construction  of 7×42+1x48Mtr+ 1x30Mtr+ Bridge on Pombay Adijan  Damhal Road Kulgam  Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  20.00 10-01-2017 N N N N N N 08/2021
29 Upgradation of Khudwani  Nawbal Arwani road including interior roads Khudwani& Arwani(Length 13.00KM) Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  14.18 25/04/2019 N N N N N N 08/2022
30 Widening/ Upgradation of  Munand Alamgung Daderkote Tsansar Kulgam Road(Length 18.00KM  Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  20.93 08-01-2018 N N N N N N 08/2021
31 Construction of  50-bedded integrated AYUSH Hospital at Kulgam Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  7.41 25-02-2020 N N N N N N 12/2021
32 Construction of 50 Bedded Sub District Hospital at Qaimoh, Kulgam  Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  19.32 15.10.2013 N N N N N N 12/2021
33 Construction /Upgradation of Nandimarg Gulabgrah Road          (Target date of Completion Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  9.42 .11/2011 N N N N N N 10/2022
34 Construction of Confrence Hall at Mini-Secretriate at kulgam (New Scheme) Kulgam (R&B) Division Kulgam  5.93 2017-18 N N N N N N 08/2021
35 Construction of Gilrs Hostel Kulgam Kulgam Education 3.06 2017-18 N N N N N N Dec.. 2021
36 Construction of Girls Hostel D H Pora.  Kulgam Education 4.06 2017-18 N N N N N N Dec.. 2021
37 Construction of Girls Hostel Qaimoh. Kulgam Education 5.06 2017-18 Y N N N N N Work Stopped at Plinth level 
38 Construction of Girls Hostal Devsar. Kulgam Education 6.06 2017-18 N N N N N N Dec.. 2021
39 Construction of laboratory Block at HSS Katrasoo Kulgam Education 1.08 2016-17 N N N N N N Nov.2021
40 Completion of double storey High School Building at Waltengoo Kund  Kulgam Education 0.99 2017-18 N N N N N N 01.06.2021
41 Const. of double storied (six roomed building) at Higher Secondary School Qaimoh Kulgam Education 0.91 2018-19 N N N N N N completed 
42 Const. of double Storied 06 roomed school building at HSS D.K. Marg Kulgam Education 0.98 2018-19 N N N N N N Near completion (04/21)
43 Construction of 10 roomed doubled storey building at Govt. Higher Secondary School Danow Bogund  Kulgam Education 1.71 2018-19 N N N N N N Jul-21
44 Construction of 6 roomed double storey building at Govt. High School Checkpora  Kulgam Education 1.34 2018-19 N N N N N N Aug-21
45 Construction of Model School Building (Lecture Hall Block, Lab Block, Smart class Room & Auditorium) at BHSS Kulgam (03 storey RCC Framed Structure) PHASE I Kulgam Education 1.99 2018-19 N N N N N N Dec.. 2021


ICDS Monitoring
S. No. Project  Total No. of Panchayats/ Municipal Wards Total No. of AWCs No. of AWCs functional Whether PRIs/ULBs are monitoring the functioning of AWCs Whether SNP is being procured through PRIs/ULBs Whether quality of SNP served in AWCs is monitored by PRIs/ULBs Whether VHSND is being observed Whether ECCED is being observed Whether growth monitoring of children is being done at AWCs Whether tracking of pregnant ladies is being done through ASHA and AWW Whether RBSK teams visit the AWC to screen the children with deformities No. of CBEs conducted
(Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Nos.)
(a)       (b)       (c)        (d)       (e)        (f)        (g)       (h)       (i)        (j)        (k)       (l)        (m)     
1 Kulgam 55 271 270 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0
2 Devsar 9 97 97 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0
3 Pahloo 27 166 147 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0
4 H.S.Bugh 60 359 357 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0
5 D.H.pora 54 404 337 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  
Total 205 1297 1208  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  – 0
Note :- Panchayats : Kulgam-178, Anantnag-22 , Shopian-05, MCs:-   Kulgam-40, Anantnag-01
AWC: Anganwari Centre.
CBE: Community Based Events.
ECCED: Early Childhood Care Education & Development.
SNP: Special Nutrition Programme
VHSND: Village Health, Sanitation and Nutrition Day.


S. No. Districts No. of House Holds (HH) Target No. of HH to Cover/ Connected (Cumulative) Connected last Month Balance HH No. of Panchayats No. of Panchayats with Piped Water Scheme Total Pipe Length laid (Kms) Pipe Length laid last month
(a)    (b)    (c)     (d)    (e)    (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
=(c – d)
1 Division Kulgam
47931 29826 278 0 29548 139 139 9.06 0
2 Division Qazigund 12268 8191 1697 1073 6494 40 40 6.9 0.66
TOTAL 60199 38017 1975 1073 36042 179 179 15.96 0.66


S. No. Districts/Zone Agriculture Animal/ Sheep Husbandry (ASH) Fisheries
Eligible Farmers (**) Farmers who got KCC % age  Farmers  Farmers who got KCC % age Farmers Fisheries Farmers who got KCC % age
(a)      (b)      (c)       (d)      (e)       (f)       (g)      (h)      (i)        (j)      
1 Kulgam 70535 69266 98.20 31990 8639 27.01 57 25 43.86
TOTAL 70535 69266 98.20 31990 8639 27.01 57 25 43.86
**    Note :- Farmers scrutinized for PM-Kissan by a District level Committee.


S.No. Department  No. of languishing projects Amount sanctioned by JKIDFC           (Rs. Crores) Projects completed Amount utilized till date
(Rs. Crores)
Projects under execution Projects not begun  Amount       (Rs. Crores) Projects completed last month
(a) (b)  (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)
1 R&B 23 74.04 9 14.0300 14 0 0 0
2 PHE 34 45.27 11 5.8500 23 0 0 0
3 Health 13 25.0393 2 6.8900 11 0 0 1
4 PDD 4 5.6524 0 0.0000 4 0 0 0
5 Higher Education 1 8.8278 0 0.0000 0 1 8.8278 0
6 School Education 4 1.9163 0 0.3300 4 0 0 0
7 Technical Education 1 0.82 0 0.0000 1 0 0 0
8 YSS 20 6.0298 4 0.7400 16 0 0 0
9 Irrigation 1 4.0704 0 2.4252 1 0 0 0
10 Animal & Sheep Husb. 1 0.05 1 0.0460 0 0 0 0
11 H&UDD 1 0.5341 0 0.1376 1 0 0 0
TOTAL 103 172.2501 27 30.4488 75 1 8.8278 1


S. No. Districts Blocks LB performance % Wage disbursement % Wages timely payment in 15 days % Wage component % Works completion %  Wages pending Rs. Crores Material payable
(Rs. Crores)
2018-2019 2019-2020 Current Year Earlier years
(a) (b)  (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k)
1 Kulgam Behibagh  100.00% 98.93% 58.97% 98.93% 100.0 90.6 0.0279 0.518 1.418
2 Kulgam DHPora 100.00% 99.77% 67.64% 99.77% 99.8 80.5 0.0079 0.186 1.835
3 Kulgam D.K Marg 107.16% 99.99% 71.05% 99.99% 99.9 90.9 0.0003 0.124 1.136
4 Kulgam Devsar 100.00% 97.35% 67.12% 97.35% 100.0 95.6 0.1162 0.650 5.563
5 Kulgam Frisal  109.97% 99.65% 70.99% 99.65% 100.0 85.2 0.0091 0.338 1.298
6 Kulgam Kulgam 106.08% 98.96% 64.38% 98.96% 99.9 60.2 0.0621 0.900 3.302
7 Kulgam Kund 101.11% 99.65% 68.58% 99.65% 99.9 89.5 0.0065 0.272 0.570
8 Kulgam Manzgam 100.00% 99.27% 65.53% 99.27% 99.4 5.0 0.0128 0.338 1.393
9 Kulgam Pahloo 100.00% 99.14% 80.83% 99.14% 99.9 95.9 0.0133 0.254 1.189
10 Kulgam Pombay 108.32% 97.93% 67.97% 97.93% 100.0 94.5 0.0838 0.181 1.399
11 Kulgam Qaimoh 106.25% 99.45% 62.39% 99.45% 99.9 86.5 0.0299 1.085 1.986
Total 104.02% 98.97% 66.65% 98.97% 99.9 87.1 0.3699 4.846 21.393


Panchayat Functioning
S. No. Districts No. of Panchayats Functional Panchayats Sarpanch Vacancies Panch Vacancies No. of Panchayats with no No. of Panchayats who  have not held Gram Sabha in 3 Months No. of Panchayats with no Pani  Samities  BMCs  No. of Panchayats with Wall Paintings of Works No. of Panchayats with Grievance Boxes No. of Panchayats with no Bank A/c  BDCs (Nos.) BDC Office BDCs with no Bank A/C
Panchayat Ghar (Nos.) Internet at Panchayat Ghar (PG) Bank Branch in Panchayat
(a)       (b)       (c)        (d)       (e)        (f)        (g)       (h)       (i)        (j)        (k)       (l)        (m)      (n)       (o)       (p)       (q)      
1 Kulgam 178 143 35 708 87 178 144 0 0 178 178 178 0 7 7 0
Total 178 143 35 708 87 178 144 0 0 178 178 178 0 7 7 0