
One District One Product

The “One District One Product” (ODOP) initiative is designed to facilitate equitable regional development throughout the nation. The primary goal of the program is to designate, brand, and endorse a minimum of one unique product from each district in the country, thereby fostering comprehensive socio-economic advancement in all regions. Through the ODOP initiative, a total of 1102 products from 761 districts have been identified and selected by states and Union Territories (UTs) based on existing local ecosystems, products recognized as Export Hubs, and those with Geographical Indication (GI) tags. The final catalogue of products is shared with the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) by the respective state and UT departments. All related activities, such as exhibitions and skill development programs, are orchestrated at the state, UT, and district levels in collaboration with the state and UT governments.


Garlic – ODOP From District Kulgam


Garlic (Allium sativum) is one of the important bulb crops grown and used as a spice or condiment throughout India. It is also important foreign exchange earner for India. It is consumed by almost all people who take onion. Garlic has higher nutritive value than other bulb crops. It is rich in proteins, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium and carbohydrates. Ascorbic acid content is very high in green garlic. Nutritive composition of fresh peeled garlic cloves and dehydrated garlic powder is as follows:

Nutritive Value of Garlic

Healthy garlic bulbs contain allicin, colourless, odourless and water-soluble amino acids. On crushing the garlic bulbs the enzyme allinase breaks down into allin to produce allicin of which the principal ingredient is odoriferous diallyl disulpide. Garlic contains about 0.1% volatile oil. The chief constituents of oil are diallyl disulfide (60% ), diallyl trisulfide ( 20% ), allyl propyl disulfide ( 6% ), a small quantity of diethyl disulfide and probably diallyle polysulfide. Diallyle disulfide possesses the true garlic odour. Garlic has been cultivated for thousands of years. It is the most ancient cultivated vegetable giving pungency of the genus Allium. Original abode of garlic is said to be Central Asia and Southern Europe especially Mediterranean region.


Garlic is one of the important bulb crops grown and used as a spice or a condiment throughout India. According to the Unani and Ayurvedic systems as practised in India, garlic is carminative and is a gastric stimulant and thus help in digestion and absorption of food. Allicin present in aquous extract of garlic reduces cholesterol concentration in human blood. The inhalation of garlic oil or garlic juice has generally been recommended by doctors in case of pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, sterility, impotency, cough and red eyes. Garlic possesses insecticidal action. About 1% garlic extract gives protection against mosquitoes for 8 hours. Extract of garlic along with chilli and ginger has beneficial action against soil nematodes. Beneficial use of garlic extract has been found against many fungi.

Area and Production

The production and productivity of garlic in India is very low compared to many other countries. However in Jammu & Kashmir garlic is grown on large scale. In District Kulgam the area under garlic cultivation during 2021-22 was 124 hectares with a total production of 1364 MTs and the annual turnover is 5.46 crores. During 2022-23 an area of 184 hectares is expected to be covered under garlic cultivation in the district.


Chinese garlic and garlic local varieties are grown in District Kulgam. Chinese garlic is early maturing variety whereas garlic local is late maturing variety.


Garlic is frost hardy plant requiring cool and moist period during growth and relatively dry period during maturity of bulbs. Bulb formation takes place during longer days and at high temperature, exposure to low temperature subsequent to bulb formation, favours the process. The critical day length for bulbing is 12 hrs and temperature also affects bulb formation. Exposures of dormant cloves or young plants to temperature of around 20 0C or lower depending upon varieties for 1-2 months hasten subsequent bulbing.


Garlic can be grown on a variety of soils but it thrives better on fertile, well-drained loam soils. The pH of soil between 6 and 7 is suitable for good crop. Highly alkaline and saline soils are not suitable for garlic cultivation.


In Kashmir valley the planting is done during October-November particularly in District Kulgam it is planted in the month of October. Cloves of 8-10 mm diameter give increased yield of better quality. Cloves are generally planted at the depth of 1 inch but due to severe winters conditions in the valley cloves should be planted 2-4 inches deep. Garlic is often planted in raised beds for ease of digging, good soil drainage, and reduction of soil compaction. In-beds, plant spacing is 6 inches whereas line spacing of 8 inches.

Seed Rate

About 500 kg cloves of 8-10 mm diameter are sufficient for planting one hectare. Care should be taken to select disease free and bigger cloves from outer side of bulbs.


Garlic responds very well to organic manures. For a normal soil 50 tonnes of farmyard manure, 100 kg N, 50 kg P and 50 kg K/ha through chemical fertilizer has been recommended. Micronutrients also increase its yield potential.


In general, garlic needs irrigation at 8 days intervals during vegetative growth and 10-15 days during maturation. As the crop matures (when the tops first begin to break over or become dry), stop irrigation to allow field to dry out first. Continued irrigation as the crop matures causes the roots and bulb scales to rot. This discolour the bulbs and exposes outer cloves and decreases the market value of bulbs. Irrigation after long spell of drought results in splitting of bulbs. Excessive irrigation results in sprouting.


First weeding is done one month after planting and second one month after first weeding. Hoeing the crop just before the formation of bulbs (about two-and-a-half months after sowing) helps in setting of bigger sized well filled bulbs. Pendimethalin @ 3.5 litres or Goal @ 0.25 kg/ha + 1 hand-weeding gives good control of broad leave weeds.


Garlic becomes ready for harvesting when its tops turn yellowish or brownish and show signs of drying up and bend over. Chinese garlic is early-maturing cultivar. Harvesting at the stage when tops have fallen over gives good quality bulbs. Bulbs are taken out along with tops and windrowed gathering several rows in each row for curing.


The yields of bulbs vary from 100 to 110q/ha depending upon variety.


Garlic is propagated by cloves. Well-grown compact bulbs of uniform shape and size are selected. The cloves having 8-10 cm size are used for planting. The planting method and other operations followed for production of seed are the same as for bulbs production.

 The technological advancements used in garlic cultivation

Technological advancements have played a significant role in enhancing productivity, efficiency, and sustainability in garlic cultivation. Here are some key technological advancements used in modern garlic cultivation:

  1. Precision Agriculture: Precision agriculture technologies, such as GPS-guided tractors and drones, are used to optimize field operations. These technologies help in precise planting, fertilization, irrigation, and pest management, leading to efficient resource utilization and improved crop health.
  2. Automated Planting Equipment: Modern garlic cultivation often involves the use of automated planting equipment that can precisely space and plant garlic cloves at optimal depths and intervals. This helps in achieving uniform plant populations and maximizing yield potential.
  3. Irrigation Management Systems: Automated irrigation systems, including drip irrigation and moisture sensors, are used to deliver the right amount of water directly to the garlic plants based on real-time moisture levels. This technology helps conserve water, reduce wastage, and ensure optimal growing conditions.
  4. Climate Control in Greenhouses: For greenhouse-grown garlic, climate control systems are used to optimize temperature, humidity, and light levels. These systems ensure ideal growing conditions throughout the year, allowing for continuous production and higher yields.
  5. Biotechnology and Genetics: Advances in biotechnology and genetics have facilitated the development of garlic varieties with enhanced traits, such as disease resistance, improved yield, and better storage qualities. Biotechnological tools are also used for genetic modification and breeding programs to develop superior garlic cultivars.
  6. Remote Sensing and Imaging: Remote sensing technologies, including satellite imagery and drones equipped with multispectral cameras, are used for monitoring garlic crops from above. These technologies provide valuable insights into plant health, growth patterns, and stress detection, enabling timely interventions.
  7. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): IPM approaches incorporate digital tools, such as pest monitoring sensors and predictive models, to manage pest populations effectively. These technologies help in early detection of pests, targeted interventions, and reduced reliance on chemical pesticides.
  8. Data Analytics and Farm Management Software: Farm management software and data analytics platforms are utilized to monitor and analyze various aspects of garlic cultivation, including planting schedules, input usage, weather conditions, and yield forecasts. These tools enable farmers to make data-driven decisions for optimizing production and resource allocation.
  9. Post-Harvest Technology: Modern post-harvest technologies, such as automated sorting machines, cold storage facilities, and packaging equipment, help maintain the quality and shelf life of harvested garlic. These technologies ensure that garlic reaches consumers in optimal condition.

By leveraging these technological advancements, garlic growers can streamline operations, improve productivity, and enhance the overall sustainability of garlic cultivation. The integration of technology with traditional agricultural practices can lead to more efficient and resilient garlic production systems.

Garlic Storage

Garlic is a versatile ingredient that is widely used in cooking for its unique flavor and potential health benefits. When it comes to storing garlic, it’s essential to do so properly to maintain its freshness and flavor. Here are some tips for storing garlic:

  1. Ventilated Container:Store fresh, unpeeled garlic bulbs in a well-ventilated container. A mesh bag or a wire basket works well for this purpose. Avoid storing garlic in sealed plastic bags or containers, as this can cause moisture buildup and lead to mold growth.
  2. Cool, Dark, and Dry Place:Keep garlic in a cool, dark, and dry place. Ideal storage locations include a pantry, cupboard, or a garlic keeper. Avoid storing garlic near sources of heat or direct sunlight, as this can cause the garlic to sprout or deteriorate more quickly.
  3. Avoid Refrigeration:While it’s common to see garlic stored in the refrigerator, this is not the best practice. Refrigeration can cause garlic to become rubbery and lose its flavor. Instead, store garlic at room temperature for optimal flavor and texture.
  4. Avoid Moisture:Moisture can cause garlic to spoil quickly. Ensure the storage container is dry and well-ventilated to prevent moisture buildup. If you notice any sprouting or mold on the garlic, remove those cloves immediately to prevent the issue from spreading.
  5. Use within a Reasonable Timeframe:While garlic can last for several weeks to a few months when stored properly, it’s best to use it within a reasonable timeframe for the best flavor and quality. Try to use up your garlic supply within a few months for optimal freshness.

Garlic usage

In terms of practices related to using garlic, here are some tips:

  1. Peeling Garlic:To peel garlic easily, you can crush the clove slightly with the flat side of a knife or the heel of your hand, which helps loosen the skin. You can also try using a garlic peeler tube for a quick and efficient peeling process.
  2. Chopping Garlic:To release the maximum flavor of garlic, finely chop or crush the cloves before adding them to your dish. You can also use a garlic press for quick and easy mincing.
  3. Cooking Garlic:Garlic can burn easily, so it’s essential to cook it over low to medium heat to prevent it from turning bitter. Add garlic to the pan once it’s heated, and keep an eye on it to ensure it doesn’t brown too quickly.
  4. Flavor Enhancement:Garlic pairs well with various herbs and spices to enhance the overall flavor of your dish. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for your taste preferences.

By following these storage and usage tips, you can make the most of this flavourful ingredient in your cooking.

Name of Nodal Officer:    Ravinder Kumar

Office Address:     Chief Agriculture Office, Mini secretariat Kulgam

Pincode:     192231

Mobile No:    7006487533

Email Id:

                 One District One Product Team Agriculture Sector Kulgam


S. No

Name of Officer/Official


Contact No.



Mr. Ravindar Kumar



Nodal Officer


Mr. Malik Reyaz Ahmad





Mr. Mohd Amin Sheikh





Mr. Mohd altaf Sorawardi





Mr. Surjeet Singh





Mr. Mohd Mansoor





Mr. zahoor Ahmad Reshi





Upcoming Events

  • Awareness camp on post harvest management of ODOP Products from 10th June onwards.
  • Awareness of marketing of ODOP Products (Going on)


Phone : 01931-260059/9419162612


List of authorised Suppliers
SR. No.  Name of Buyer  Parentage Residence  Contact No  Location 
1 Khursheed Ahmad Dar Ghulam Mohammad Dar Frisal Kulgam 7006837684 Yaripora
2 Azad Ahmad Ganie Ghulam Ahmad Ganie Frisal Kulgam 7006735647 Frisal
3 Mohd Hussain Ganie Bashir Ahmad Ganie Frisal Kulgam 6005809732 Frisal
4 Waseem Ahmad Parrey Abdul Majeed Parrey Frisal Kulgam 6005950395 HSBugh
5 Tawseef Ahmad Parrey Bashir Ahmad Parrey Frisal Kulgam 7006454487 HSBugh
6 Aijaz Ahmad Malla Abdul Rashid Malla Frisal Kulgam 7006602626 Tarigam
7 Shabir Ahmad Bhat Abdul Ahad Bhat Frisal Kulgam 9797029853 Buchroo
8 Zahoor Ahmad Mir Ghulam Rasool Mir Frisal Kulgam 9797110512 Buchroo
9 Sajad Ahmad Mantoo Mohd Akber Mantoo Frisal Kulgam 9797129173 Buchroo
10 Sajad Ahmad Bhat Mohd Yousuf Bhat Frisal Kulgam 6006578802 Modergam
11 Manzoor Ahmad Mandoo Gh Rasool Mandoo Qoimoh Kulgam 9797128577 Qoimoh
12 Adil Bashir Mandoo Bashir Ahmad Mandoo Qoimoh Kulgam 8493896296 Qoimoh
13 Danish Ahmad Dar Riyaz Ahmad Dar Qoimoh Kulgam 8493832802 Qoimoh
14 Ab Hameed Bagow Mohd Yousuf Bagow Qoimoh Kulgam 9596709870 Qoimoh
15 Showkat Ahmad Mandoo Gh Hassan Mandoo Qoimoh Kulgam 8493947593 Qoimoh
16 Mohd Yaqoob Mandoo Ab Rahim Mandoo Qoimoh Kulgam 7006276614 Qoimoh
17 Sartaj Ahmad Mandoo Ab Rehman Qoimoh Kulgam 9541608550 Qoimoh
18 Abid Hassan Dar Ali Mohd Dar Qoimoh Kulgam 7889719784 Qoimoh
19 Sabzar Ahmad Dar Ab Ahad Dar Qoimoh Kulgam 9797021847 Qoimoh
20 Mohd Ashraf Dar Mohd Shaban Dar Qoimoh Kulgam 9541711062 Qoimoh